World Congress for International Women's Year 1975 – DDR-Magazin 1975/13 (PROGRESS Archive)


History Summit Pitch - The Great Pitch Session 2023

The only event dedicated exclusively to media making in the history genre!

A centrepiece of the History Summit program was the Great Pitch Session on Friday, October 27. Producers from all over the world submitted their history project ideas – concepts for films, series, shorts – to be considered for the History Summit Pitch.

We were particularly looking for projects that stand out for:

  • their fresh perspectives on history,
  • diversity in front of and behind the camera,
  • and/or innovative approach.

The best pitch, as determined by a specialist jury, received the History Summit Award.

The following six projects pitched to a panel of key decision makers and an audience of producers and distributors for an opportunity to find partners, funding, and distribution.

Our Sister Angela - Black Power in the GDR

Erich Honecker, Angela Davis
Angela Davis and Erich Honnecker


  • André Schäfer


In the 1970s, an enthusiastic solidarity movement for Black civil rights activist Angela Davis emerges in the GDR. She attracts tens of thousands of people during her visits to the country. But all this enthusiasm is deceptive. Co-director Katharina Warda tells this often-overlooked piece of Black East German history from her personal perspective.

Silent War

Producers & Directors:

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, over 2000 nuclear devices have detonated on Earth, labeled as "tests." This film unveils Prof. Robert Jacobs’ groundbreaking research of the Cold War's darkest secret: all nuclear powers ruthlessly experimented on their people, weaving a decades-long tale of deception and lies with countless victims, in a SILENT WAR.

Silent War. Unveiling the darkest secret of the Cold War.
The Collector

The Collector

Producer & Director:

The film explores a Palestinian visual archive dating back 130 years owned by an Israeli collector and considered to be the largest collection of photographs—never before seen or captured. We document the film director’s efforts to retrieve the archive for the Palestinian people.

The Colour of the Boxing Ring



Since it appeared, at the turn of the 20th century, professional boxing has been much more than a mere question of blows and dodges. It’s been a story of life and death, an issue of politics, of race and pride. And above all, a matter of skin color. One fight summarized it all: Holmes vs Cooney in 1982.

The Colour of the Boxing Ring
The Srebrenica Tape

The Srebrenica Tape



  • Chiara Sambuchi

In possession of a rare VHS tape shot by her father during the enclave years of Srebrenica, Alisa goes on a journey to uncover the history of her war-torn family, in search of understanding and healing. An intimate search for traces and a journey back to the enclave years of Srebrenica and the massacre of July 1995.

Which Side Are You On


  • Ralf Kukula


How does courage to stand up against a regime arise? This animadoc tells the story of three people caught between oppression and a longing for freedom in the GDR. Their experiences in resistance have made them become the people they are today – still standing up for their ideas of a better society.

Which Side Are You On